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North Downs Primary School is situated at the base of the North Downs on three attractive sites in the neighbouring rural communities of Brockham, Betchworth and Leigh. All three sites are spacious and well resourced with ample outdoor space for a wide variety of activities.

We believe children thrive in an environment in which they feel happy and safe and are successful. We also believe in working in close partnership with parents. These factors ensure that our school continues to be a very special place in which all children flourish and make excellent progress - where we all strive to:

‘be the best you can be, every day’. 

Welcome to North Downs Primary!

A very warm welcome to our school website, I hope you will find all the information you need in order to choose the best school for your child. North Downs is a two form entry primary school, organised across three sites in the villages of Brockham, Betchworth and Leigh, each 2-3 miles apart. We are very fortunate to have such lovely school grounds situated in beautiful villages and place a huge emphasis on learning outside the classroom. We believe children thrive in an environment in which they feel happy and safe and are successful. We also believe in working in close partnership...

Read the full welcome here

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