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Interview with Mrs Douglass

On Wednesday the 30th September 2015, we met with our new Head teacher, Mrs Douglass. We asked her a variety of questions, some of which had quite interesting answers. Surprisingly, Mrs Douglass revealed that she did tap-dancing and enjoys gardening and reading, while also spending time with her two sons, cycling and going for walks. Our new Head teacher also specialises in art and likes drawing, painting and creating displays.

When asked what one piece of advice she would give to her childhood self, Mrs Douglass replied that she would say - to work hard and take advantage of all the opportunities she had been given…and not give up learning the piano!

Previously, Mrs Douglass was Head teacher of another school which was similar to North Downs, but only had one site and the children wore blue, not purple uniform. However although the school although was nearer to her home, everything else was quite similar.

Finally we had to ask why Mrs Douglass liked pigs so much. Smiling, she said she didn’t know, but guessed that it could be to do with her growing up on a farm and pigs always being her favourite.

Over all she said North Downs was very good and the children and staff are lovely.

By Max Burton-Phillips, Mia Golan and Jasmine Fellows