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Pokémon in our playground: good or bad?

Pokémon in our playground: good or bad?

by Elise Marsh

The latest 'craze' in our playground recently has been the Pokémon cards. Literally everybody has them. This is not the first time children of our age groups have been spotted with these incredible pieces of merchandise though. Around 15 years ago, 6 years after Pokémon itself had been launched, children in playgrounds, parks, youth clubs etc. were seen with Pokémon cards of all types. But has a big problem started for the unfortunate beings who don't have them nowadays? This report explains the good and bad sides of these marvellous but friendship threatening cards.

One issue I have discovered, is the fact that our friendships have been threatened terribly by these cards. On one hand, one can say that these cards bring people together and create new friendships by trading, but on the other hand, one can also say they separate friendships, by causing arguments when the accusations of stealing occur and bad trades happen, also, a few unlucky children who don't have them, feel neglected from the world of Pokémon trading. Take a shy, timid, quiet child. They may have these Pokémon cards but might not have the courage to trade and talk to people they don't often speak to. But then take the one with all cards. Being crowded all the time isn't the best, people can't have proper conversations with them, and they just become cocky. I do agree that they bring people together, because, I have found myself talking to a few people I don't often talk with. However, I do also agree that they can bring people apart as well, as I have also witnessed a few of the bad trade type of arguments between fellow classmates.

Playground activity is also another issue. Though these Pokémon cards get our brains working during battles and trades, we may get a little too intrigued, and that causes less activity physically (playing with balls and running around) Because your opinion is worth more than mine, think about this question. What would you rather do, be the centre of attention in huddles of Pokémon traders, or play football and chase your friends around the playground whilst playing pretend?

Trades are a good source of brain activity and can be fun if you have a fair trade. Trading is a good way to gain cards (and maybe even friends) but when you have a bad trade, the cards aren't as fun as they should be.
I have not experienced a bad trade myself yet, but I know a few children who have been. Especially younger players in our school. My age group feels just because they are older than everyone else, they can take advantage of younger players. I don't find that fair. I know there are more fair trades than bad, but there have been a few that I know of.

Accusations of stealing cards have become a number one priority over the past few weeks. It may be a slight misunderstanding, and the suspect of stealing may just be giving back the card they traded. But I know of many tins going missing and rare EX's disappearing from children's collections. So when the victim points the blame at someone, the teachers simply can't do anything due to the fact there is no evidence. But then the suspect pretty much gets away with it and feels they can keep on doing it. It isn't fair on the victim, who is missing out on a possible good trade and it isn't fair on the teachers, having to tell the pupil that they are sorry and it can't be proved because of no evidence.

I am not taking sides of this argument for I am also a lucky Pokémon card holder, though sometimes I do feel as if I am rejected from huddles. So that is why I don't go round trading anymore. I do find this topic very interesting and it is a very serious matter is some ways or another. I do hope you consider trying these amazing cards out if you don't have them and for the ones who have, think about the stealing and bad trades. Could you stop it from happening?