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At North Downs Primary, we believe in the deliverance of a high-quality English education. It is our aim that each child should be able to work to their very best level in this essential area of study – to lay the foundations of confidence in future life.

  • To acquire a wide vocabulary, with an understanding and confidence of grammar and linguistic conventions in spoken, reading and written tasks;
  • to appreciate and be inquisitive of our varied language;
  • to develop good reading habits- for pleasure and wider information; to read fluently, with sound understanding; to read fluently, with sound understanding;
  • to write confidently, adapting language choices for different audiences;
  • to use discussion and debate to share and learn with peers and adults;
  • to be competent and comfortable with all areas of English and to remain inquisitive to know more.


Click on the links to the left of this page to explore more about our specific teaching of this broad subject area. In addition, how we aim to work as a team with parents, offering guidance to support their child out of school and how you can support your child, within the over-arching subject area of English.


As English spans through the whole school curriculum, our expectations of high standards of language and literacy reach right across all subject areas.

Our experienced staff develop good understanding and maintain high expectations of the children; regular class monitoring and assessments guide the necessary support for children’s confidence in all aspects of English.  Thus enabling children to progress to do their very best and always aim beyond, indeed creating a passion for learning. The outcome is evident not only in results of formal assessments, but also in the aspirations of the young people. All ages and abilities of our children are supported to reach their full potential - to be fluent lovers of their language, confident speakers, writers and of course readers.


For further information regarding our English curriculum please contact Mrs Cummins, our English Lead, by emailing