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In line with progression for Phonics in KS1, we follow with Rising Stars programme; on line access for Teachers and a programme of study for each year group.

In addition we use Spellzone for which all the children have home logins. This is an excellent way of supporting spelling.

The children are expected to know the High Frequency words 100, 200 as they progress through KS1 into KS2. Assessment of spellings is within regular assessments, but also though observation in general writing.

Spellings are sent home on a two weekly basis, these follow the Spelling Rules are the key to sound understanding of how spellings are developed.

Each year group has a designated set or words which are the National Curriculum Expectation Words for their year. These are displayed in the classes so that children are clear with meaning and also have constant spelling access to facilitate use in their writing.

Adaptations and allowances are individually provided for children with any particular extra educational needs.