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Absence from school due to illness

We appreciate that it can be difficult to decide whether illness is severe enough to warrant absence from school, and so I would like to take this opportunity to share the NHS guidance on when to stay at home. We ask that all members of the school community follow this guidance, to help to reduce the spread of infectious disease:

  • It is fine for pupils and staff to attend school with mild symptoms, such as a cold or intermittent cough.
  • Anyone with more severe symptoms, such as a persistent cough or fever, should stay home and rest until symptoms subside.
  • Anyone with diarrhoea or vomiting should stay at home until a full 48 hours has passed since the last episode.
  • If your child is diagnosed with a specific infectious disease, such as chickenpox or measles, please contact the school office ( for advice on recommended periods of absence.
  • Current guidance is that individuals should not test for COVID-19 if symptomatic, unless advised to do so by a medical professional. If you choose to test your child and they are positive, we ask that you follow the NHS guidance and keep them off school for 3 full days or until symptoms subside, whichever is longer.

Thank you for your understanding and support in helping to keep the whole North Downs community healthy.