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The role of the governing board is to:

  • ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
  • hold the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff
  • oversee the financial performance of the school and make sure the money is well spent

Our Headteacher, Mrs Douglass, is responsible for all operational matters in the school, the governing board works with Mrs Douglass to provide a strategic direction and overview of all school matters. 

The governing board are dedicated to the sound running of the school and well-being of our pupils. We are proud of the schools above national results but our school's motto of 'be the best you can be, every day' does not simply cover outcomes but also ensures pupils leave the school as well-rounded individuals.

The governing board have strong commitment to ongoing CPD, over the last academic year governors have attended over 30 training sessions either individually or as a group. These have covered: Safeguarding, e-safety, competency framework for governance, financial efficiency, Hot Topics (which keeps the board up to date with the latest regulation changes). We also meet regularly with other schools in the area to share best practice and ideas for working together now or in the future.

Governors regularly visit the school and attend school council meetings to obtain the views of pupils and experience the school as they see it. This is often the most enjoyable part of being a school governor.

Over the next year the governors will be aligning their work to the following whole school priorities:

  • To review and implement a carefully planned recovery curriculum and intervention programme across all year groups in response to the needs of the pupils. 
  • To maintain a focus on the teaching of reading and spelling to improve outcomes by the end of KS2.
  • To continue to develop the role, skills and expertise of all middle and subject leaders.
  • To ensure that pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds and those with SEND make more rapid progress so that their outcomes improve to match more closely those of other pupils.
  • To maintain a focus on the mental health and well-being of pupils and staff though appropriate curriculum opportunities, resources, support and intervention.
  • To continue to develop further the curriculum in order to embed opportunities for learning outside the classroom providing access for all pupils, across sites.